A lifelong entrepreneur who is passionate about using his fortune to help people all over the world.
Alex Mendieta
A Businessmen and Philanthropist From Australia

Alejandro Mendieta Blanco aka Alex Mendieta is a Colombian-born self-made businessman who has dedicated his life to supporting disadvantaged people throughout the world through his philanthropy. Coming from humble beginnings, he never lost touch with giving back to the less fortunate. Alex holds close to his heart the needs of children living in third-world and developing countries, which is why he has decided to pledge to increase the amount he donates each year to charities across many different countries.
You are welcome to contact Alex and his team with any worthy causes you think will improve the lives of children. The most impactful causes will be chosen for funding throughout the year, and financial support will be given to them.
I always strive to be as genuine as possible. Meeting new people and getting to know their stories, thoughts, and dreams is something I cherish and if doing so leads to forging deep friendships, I am all the richer for it.
I have known Alex for only a few years, but I feel like he has been there for my whole life. We met for the first time in a hotel swimming pool of all places. We started talking, and at once, I knew Alex was going to be a close friend going forward. Alex is one hand, very easygoing but deceptively charming, but most of all a man of integrity, which he demonstrated time and again.
Alex is the smartest man I have met till now, and that is coming from a lifelong businessman who has travelled the world and met countless people doing so. His grasp of current events and keen sense of business opportunity is unlike what I have ever seen. Talking to him, I realized that he became a successful entrepreneur through his own hard work and talent and not something that was handed to him. I am excited to see what he does next, although I am sure it will be nothing less than market disrupting.
I have met many outstanding people through my line of work, but Alex stands out from the rest. Brilliant as he is, he isn’t swallowed by his own success but remains humble, charming and funny. When talking to him, you feel that he fully focuses on what you say and respects your thoughts and opinions. You can ask him the most complex questions, and you will be astonished at how cleverly he approaches them. I am incredibly fortunate to have met him and consider him a dear friend, professionally and personally.
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